Book: A Plentiful Harvest: Creating Balance and Harmony Through the Seven Living Virtues
Author: Terrie Williams
Length: 320 pages
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Price: $17.99
What You Plant Now, You Will Harvest Later
by: Claire White
Terrie Williams is a very bright and successful woman and it took a lot of experiences and growing to get her to where she is now. Williams wrote A Plentiful Harvest: Creating Balance and Harmony Through the Seven Living Virtues as a 52 week journaling guide to show you how to grow day by day and to help you understand your journey in life. This book made me wonder if I am doing what I am meant to do. Am I on the right track? Did I major in the right thing? Could I have chosen something more suited for me? This book made me question everything that I have done in life thus far. This book has been valuable to me in ways that I could not explain. It has made me realize that the seeds that I have planted in my life so far are the right things for me to harvest in the future.
Williams opened up her own public relations agency, The Terrie Williams Agency and is also a Mental Health Advocate and is the author of Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting. (
The Seven Virtues that she speaks on such as love, spirituality and creativity help people realize their true calling in life and how to be in touch with your own journey.
I think this book is a great read for people who have the time to journal and keep up with the book. As a student, I find it hard to keep up with the 52 week program since I am juggling many classes but I will definitely read this as a graduate. I believe that what Williams speaks on in the book is very helpful and think that anyone who picks this up, will fall in love with Williams' wisdom and outlook on life.
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Interesting questions, but don't second-guess yourself.