Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Is Your Company Likeable In The New Age? By: Brooke DeMiranda

BOOK TITLE: Likeable Social Media: How to Delight your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (and other social networks).
AUTHOR: Dave Kerpen
LENGTH: 260 pages
PRICE: $20.00

Is Your Company Likeable In The New Age?
By: Brooke DeMiranda

In todays age technology is a part of everyday life.  Imagine a day without technology; it would be pretty hard uh?  Well a major aspect of new technology today is social media.  Social media is a great way to stay connected with family and friends while staying updated on events and breaking news around the world.  As social media has extended its reach the professional world has been pushed to join these networks to further connect and communicate with their publics.  This has opened a new chapter in the business world as well as new obstacles to figure out the correct way to communicate through this relatively new medium.  Conveniently Dave Kerpen’s book, Likeable Social Media: How to Delight your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (and other social networks), does just that.  Kerpen guides the reader through the necessary steps to being a likeable organization on social media.  One of the most important functions Kerpen discusses is listening to the consumer and other publics.

Dave Kerpen is the CEO of Likeable Local, a social media software startup for small businesses, as well as the chairman and former CEO of Likeable Media, an award-winning social media and word-of-mouth marketing firm with triple digit revenue growth for 4 consecutive years. 

 A humble businessman, Kerpen travels across the country speaking about his accomplishments and book Likeable Social Media: How to Delight your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (and other social networks).  Likeable Social Media recommends how to use the power of the social web to company advantage becoming likeable and ultimately more profitable.

Dave Kerpen; author of Likeable Social Media

This book covers what you need to do in order to make your company known, as well as likeable across the social web.  Kerpen explains the important of listening to publics while being authentic and engaging toward them.  The methods described in the book are the same ones that have led Kerpen to his professional success in a number of large companies.  Kerpen also reveals how to build brand popularity and spread company messages, through a seemingly obvious source, word of mouth.  Word of mouth is so important because we trust what our peers say and are confident with the recommendations of friends.  For example, you need a new dress for an office party next month; on Facebook you see your friend has liked an online boutique.  You may call them and say you saw they liked the store on Facebook and ask if they have bought anything form there before.  With a good recommendation from a friend you are more likely to buy from that store then go out on a limb and buy from a random store you found on Google.  The same goes for a complaint, if your friend gives a company a bad review you are not very likely to use that company.

An example of a company complaint on Facebook.

I think that Kerpen very adequately covered the intended topic.  Going into reading the book I was confident that it would be informative and worth my time because I knew Kerpen was an accomplished business professional that had personally used the methods discussed in his book.  I also think it is a great book to read because social media is a growing field that is vital for the success of companies. The knowledge of the methods in this book will help professionals to execute their social media interaction successfully.  

I think this book is a very useful tool to all business professionals because it offers proven advice to help social media communication with publics.  Kerpen offers direct examples and personal instances were these tactics have worked.  I would highly recommend this book because I believe it is very useful in all business types.  It is very important to maintain communication and overall satisfaction with customers and publics and this book gives advice on just that.

TAGS: Social media, Likeable Social Media: How to Delight your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (and other social networks), Dave kerpen, Likeable Local, methods described in the book.

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