Likeable Social Media
Dave Kerpen
249 pages
McGraw Hill
“like” for a Free Social Media Tutorial
By Fallon

source: www.webgnomes.org)
I am not sure about you, but every time I go on Facebook I am bombarded by strange messages. Like
this to win a free computer! Share this picture of Jesus or you are going to
hell! Invite three friends to join this website and get a free pair of shoes!
Social media will not give us a break. Is it annoying or genius? You tell me.
“Likeable Social Media” written by Dave Kerpen begins by setting the stage for a time
when social media is used as an outlet for frustration. The author is standing
in a long line waiting to check in at a hotel. When the receptionist is not
moving fast enough, Kerpen decides to tweet about
the inconvenience he is facing.
Dave Kerpen is the CEO of Likeable Local,
a social media software startup for small businesses, as well as the chairman
and former CEO of Likeable Media, an award-winning social media and
word-of-mouth marketing firm. Dave and his wife started and transformed the
KBuzz (founded in 2007) into Likeable Media, one of Facebook’s Top 65 Preferred
Developer Consultants. It is one of the 500 fastest growing private companies
in the US according to INC Magazine for both 2011 and 2012. Dave is now part of
LinkedIn’s new Thought Leader Program and has been featured on CNBC’s “On the
Money”, BBC, ABC World News Tonight, the CBS Early Show, the New York Times,
and countless blogs. Dave has also attended at dozens of conferences
across the globe.

theme of this book teaches companies how to use social media in various ways to
benefit an organization. It provides current trends relevant information pertaining
to social media that all business people should be aware of. It is especially
helpful for those in the public relations, advertising, and marketing
industries. One tip I found to be very important was Kerpen’s advice on
thinking and acting like a consumer. In business, the best way to be successful
is to know your customer inside and out.
found this book to be very interesting. Kerpen is obviously very knowledgeable
about a wide variety of social media sites. I learned a lot about sites I had
never even heard of before. One thing I liked about this book is that the
material applies to individuals as much as companies. Personally, I will use
his techniques in knowing when and how to respond to people on social media in
my own use.
media is like the world’s largest cocktail party, where anyone can listen to
other talking and join the conversation with anyone else about any topic of
their choice,” Kerpen in Likeable Social Media. So, pick up a copy of this book
today and join the conversation for yourself.
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