Thursday, December 5, 2013

Harvesting Your Life

Book: A Plentiful Harvest: Creating Balance and Harmony Through The Seven Living Virtues
Author: Terrie Williams
Length: 320 pages (Paperback)
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Harvesting Your Life

By: Hayley Stevens

“Every week, make sure you’re not merely ticking off obligations, but are pursuing the things that make you happy.” This quote from this novel, by Terrie Williams is now on a sticky note on my desk.
Williams wrote this book, A Plentiful Harvest, to show her personal life struggles and the events that got her to where she is now. Williams is a very successful woman, who has even founded her own public relations agency, The Terrie Williams Agency. It is apparent to me that this woman knows her stuff, and I would trust any bit of information she gave me. Williams has managed to use all of her wisdom and knowledge by giving us this day-to-day journaling guide.

Her main focus is how to live life while focusing on the Seven Virtues, such as patience, kindness and temperance.  While this book is a great read for someone going through a hard time, it does not strike me as a piece of writing for someone my age. However, I am glad that I have obtained new knowledge from a woman older than me with great advice. 

Although this book is easy to read, it does take some time. You will learn how to make your life harmonious, and you will learn more about yourself. I recommend this book to someone over the age of 30, but even if you were younger, it would definitely not be a waste of time.  

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1 comment:

  1. This was a neat analysis and a good quote. I wonder what other quotes readers remember?
