Thursday, December 5, 2013

Love is All You Need

Book: A Plentiful Harvest: Creating Balance and Harmony Through the Seven Living Virtues
Author: Terrie Williams
Length: 324 pages
Publisher: Warner Books, Inc.
Price: $17.99

Love is All You Need

By: Megan Young

Throughout our lives, we have learned about love since we were children, specifically from our families. We watch how our families express love with one another and learn how to love others this way. In “A Plentiful Harvest: Creating Balance and Harmony Through the Seven Living Virtues,” author Terrie Williams explains one of the biggest factors about life and loving others: we don’t choose our families and sometimes we don’t always have a lot in common with them. This surprised me because I never realized that we don’t choose our families, but our families were chosen for us. We were placed together for a reason and a greater purpose.

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As one of the country’s most highly sought-after speakers, Williams has not only shared her unique brand talents with numerous Fortune 500 companies, but she has also written three books, including “A Plentiful Harvest: Creating Balance and Harmony Through the Seven Living Virtues.” Her books all cover different aspects of life, such as business, school curricula, and identifying the needs of the soul. Additionally, Williams is the founder of The Terrie Williams Agency, one of the country’s most successful public relations and communications firms.

This book teachers readers how to balance the different “seasons” of life and how to reap the most satisfying rewards using the aspects of Kwanzaa. Additionally, readers learn how to gain real wealth, discover love’s true meaning, the most rewarding ways to give back to the community, taking care of yourself first, and uncovering creativity to find more fulfilling activities in life.

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Williams discusses these topics through a conversational style of writing, where the reader feels connected to the author. Williams inspires the reader to live, love and give to experience an abundant life. She provides principles to walk the reader through step by step, in an effort to help the reader grow day by day. Additionally, she advises readers to journal while reading the book in order to keep in touch with themselves and their journey through life. However, this book is recommended to read in 52 weeks, readers must prepare themselves for the journey and understand this book takes time to read.
 “A Plentiful Harvest: Creating Balance and Harmony Through the Seven Living Virtues” walks the reader through ways of enriching his or her life by providing real life examples. I believe this book is especially powerful for women to read, and teaches them how to live their lives. Overall, this was an enjoyable book to read and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to empower his or her life.

1 comment:

  1. Her focus on love and family permeates the book. Your analysis really highlights these ideas.
