Friday, March 28, 2014

The Beauty of being a Bossy Female By Lauren Leaver

The Beauty of being a Bossy Female
By Lauren Leaver

“You must not look in that mirror at your doughy legs and flat feet, for today is about dreams and illusions, and unfiltered natural daylight is the enemy of dreams.”

As a successful actress and writer, Tina Fey does not have to let you in on all of her insecurities and secrets. However, the beauty of her autobiographical book Bossypants is that she lets you in on all of her flaws. In the beauty scene above, Fey reveals that she enjoys being “dolled up” at a fun photo shoot and emphasizes that she is confident within herself as a woman and a boss. In fact, she is so confident that she is unafraid to reveal all of her flaws and secrets to the public.

Tina Fey at a photo shoot for her movie Baby Moma in April 2008. Photo credit: Marie Claire

Growing up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Fey always aspired to be an actress or comedian but never knew if that dream would come true. She studied drama at the University of Virginia, she was hired as a writer for Saturday Night Live. Over time she became more famous and wrote several successful hit movies and starred in the show 30 Rock.

Fey’s ability to write in a comedic fashion while explaining an important issue is truly a talented skill. I thought that her writing style reflected the tone of Saturday Night Livewhich makes her stories more relatable and entertaining to read. However, this style can also make it more difficult to comprehend what she is saying, as she inserted jokes so frequently that sometimes I became confused about the initial point of her story. There are also times where she promotes her films or television shows throughout the book, but it is always done with a sense of humor so she does not come across as pushy. 
As a successful writer, mom, and feminist, I believe that Fey is uniquely qualified to write this book. She details many topics ranging from “female” problems, to career issues, to parenthood. Her advice is particularly valuable because she is both a famous actress and a mom. I think all females who are college students or older should consider reading this book because she gives an inside perspective that most famous people would be too afraid to do. However, I would not recommend this book to most males because the material is too focused on female issues.

Tina Fey with her daughter on the set of an interview in New York City. Photo Credit: Djamilla Rosa Cochran

After reading Bossypants, I realized that Tina Fey is not your typical famous writer/comedian. The cut she received on her face as a child gave her a different perspective on life and led her to a successful life even though she wasn’t always seen as “popular” when growing up.  Overall, I found it empowering to see a successful woman display a high level of confidence in such a genuine way. As a college student, I appreciated learning about her career path and how she got to where she is today. Additionally, I would recommend it to all of my friends who are interested in working in the media.

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